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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Annika {Continued}

Annika has such a sweet personality. It wasn't hard for us to find the perfect location to fit the
adventurous, kind, and free spirited person she is! We started off with a professional makeup
application prior to the shoot and the rest of the morning couldn't have gone better for her
Senior Portraits. Annika, I'm so excited for you and what's to come this upcoming year. Senior
 year is going to be amazing!!

Hey Seniors! Fall is here and there are only a handful of spots left for the rest of this year!
Beautiful orange leaves make for a fabulous backdrop ;) Also accepting RSVP's for next
SPRING too! Don't forget to plan ahead for those gorgeous cherry blossoms ♥

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Rebecca

Though it was cloudy Becca trusted me to do my work and get some beautiful portraits for her
 Senior Pictures. What I loved most about the session (aside from Becca's sweet personality!)
was that she already had in mind a few options for her session environment and based on her
outfits we totally made it all work ;) 

**Update: Seniors! August is extremely booked. If you are still looking for some beautiful Senior
Portraits please contact me ASAP to inquire about available dates. XO!!

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Rebecca {Preview}

I absolutely adored Rebecca and her Senior Session! Rebecca knew she wanted to start in her
lovely home and venture out for a more nature inspired environment. I can't wait to share more...

Only limited bookings available due to the current schedule! Make sure you inquire for available
 dates to get your Senior Session in time for school :)

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Sophia

Sophia was such a sweetheart & she completely rocked her session! We had an environment
that fit perfectly for what she was going for and what can I say.. we laughed our way through the
entire session and captured some beautiful portraits for Sophia & her family. I'm so excited for
her senior year and what life has in store for her. XO Sophia! So glad I got to capture these
natural and beautiful portraits for you & your family to remember even years from now.

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Katie

When I first met Katie I just knew there was something so special about her. There was a
certain quiet, inner beauty and kindness I felt within the first few moments of talking to her, and I
immediately knew I had to capture the beauty within. xox

**Update: Only limited bookings left for the months of September & October. If you're
interested in RSVP'ing for your very own session make sure you email me ASAP! :)