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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Rebecca

Though it was cloudy Becca trusted me to do my work and get some beautiful portraits for her
 Senior Pictures. What I loved most about the session (aside from Becca's sweet personality!)
was that she already had in mind a few options for her session environment and based on her
outfits we totally made it all work ;) 

**Update: Seniors! August is extremely booked. If you are still looking for some beautiful Senior
Portraits please contact me ASAP to inquire about available dates. XO!!

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Rebecca {Preview}

I absolutely adored Rebecca and her Senior Session! Rebecca knew she wanted to start in her
lovely home and venture out for a more nature inspired environment. I can't wait to share more...

Only limited bookings available due to the current schedule! Make sure you inquire for available
 dates to get your Senior Session in time for school :)

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Sophia

Sophia was such a sweetheart & she completely rocked her session! We had an environment
that fit perfectly for what she was going for and what can I say.. we laughed our way through the
entire session and captured some beautiful portraits for Sophia & her family. I'm so excited for
her senior year and what life has in store for her. XO Sophia! So glad I got to capture these
natural and beautiful portraits for you & your family to remember even years from now.

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Katie

When I first met Katie I just knew there was something so special about her. There was a
certain quiet, inner beauty and kindness I felt within the first few moments of talking to her, and I
immediately knew I had to capture the beauty within. xox

**Update: Only limited bookings left for the months of September & October. If you're
interested in RSVP'ing for your very own session make sure you email me ASAP! :)

Portrait Photographer in Seoul, Korea: Meet Annika {Preview}

Another gorgeous session where Annika completely trusted me throughout the entire process!
Talk about laid-back, Annika was up for everything ;) Not to mention I absolutely love her free
spirit and sense of adventure. Can't wait to share more...